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Installation is very simple, just one configuration file to tailor your very own custom shopping site for any niche, there is no database needed. Once configured, you can sit down, relax and run your website on auto-pilot and even make money!
Follow the steps below and you’ll have your shopping search engine up and running in less than 5 minutes.
Installation done! Open up your browser and check out your new shopping site.
Delete everything and do a fresh installation. If you have made changes to the layout you will have to do it again, because many files where changed for this new version update.
Once you have installed the shopping software on your website you will notice that it contains the same content found on our live Shopping Search Engine Demo. The configuration options in config.php can be changed to fit your shopping niche and minor modifications to the front-end/layout of your website.
Open config.php with your text editor and change the settings , when you are done editing you can upload the entire website to your server. (STEP 3).
// GENERAL SITE SETTINGS $siteurl = 'https://www.onlineshopsearch.com'; $sitename = 'Online Shop Search'; $siteslogan = 'Find the cheapest shopping deals online'; $sitedescription = 'Search products and classifieds on popular online shopping sites and marketplaces.'; $sitekeywords = 'compare prices,compare product prices'; // THEMES // Choose theme color preset: cerulean, cosmo, cyborg, darkly, flatly, journal, litera, lumen, lux, materia, minty, pulse, sandstone, simplex, slate, solar, spacelab, superhero, united, yeti $theme = 'default'; $themeswitcher = 'on'; // SEARCH SETTINGS $limit_listings = "20"; $default_keyword = "Deal"; $listview = "grid"; // list or grid $categories = "Art,Baby,Cars,Fashion,Deal,Juwelry,Sport"; $popular = "Apple,Samsung,iPad,PS4,Xbox,Valentine,Laptop,Christmas,Gift"; // ADVERTISING & AFFILIATE // eBay Campaign ID - Create account to earn revenue https://epn.ebay.com $ebaypubid = ''; // This is your unique publisher ID, which we use for tracking and reporting. (you can find your pubID if you create a text link) $campaignid = ''; // This is the unique Campaign ID from your account. Every EPN link must be associated with a Campaign //Amazon affiliate ID $amazonid = ''; // Please change with your id to make money //Zazzle affiliate ID $zazzleid = ''; // Please change with your id to make money //Bol.com NL affiliate Site ID $bolsiteid = ''; // Change this with your Bol siteID https://partnerprogramma.bol.com/partner/ $bolapikey = ''; // Bol API Key https://partnerblog.bol.com/documentatie/open-api/aanmeldformulier-api-toegang/ // Adsense $adscode = <<
When you want to disable a specific shopping, open the feedlist.php file and /* comment out */ the source you don’t want to use.
It can happens sometimes that the Loading overlay keeps spinning. This can happen if you used a wrong API key or there the live feed parser is still working in the background.
Demo site running V3: Instant Shopping Search Engine